Jumped 100 Subscribers in 3 Days Where Now!?


I've Got It
Hey everyone!

Long time lurker, first time poster! (Well not quite, just been busy this year.)

So I make Sims videos and would like to move into doing more real life comedy videos myself. On Friday though one of my videos got liked by the Official Sims channel and now I've suddenly jumped from 38 subs to 138 subs!

From here though I'm not quite sure what to do, I am really grateful for this and I've got 230 likes on my video now yet I don't quite know what to do next, how do I retain these subscribers and add in the real life bits I want to do anyhow?

The real life video that currently exists has 11 likes and no dislikes but I don't know if people would want to watch me in blog or sketch form?

So I'm not quite sure what I want from you guys apart from suggestions as to whether to broaden my channel into these two categories, Sims sketches and real life or just keep the Sims?

Thanks for reading, looking forward to your responses.
Do what you had planned inicially. They subscribed for a reason, so dont change it You can also ask them what they want to see....
I say keep the channel the way you want it to be. Don't change your content just to please your subscribers. It's your channel. So you need people that will subscribe for what you love posting.
The first vid you put out after you get a bunch of subscribers like that has to be your absolute best work. They subbed to you because they liked your last vid so don't worry about doing anything different just make sure the next vid you upload is the best it can be