Darren Ross

Active Member
I am working on a very big project and i would like you to join me.

My current big project is working on my next album called "Insane" because i am that and that's who i am.

I want myself to become the next weirdest viral star and i need your help to share all my video's to people and your friends. If you make me even more popular i will make you popular as well by joining my videos or record a duet or even join my upcoming series or something.

I respect all your replies.

It sounds as though he just wants people to promote his video for him rather than acctually be in it
If you'd really like help with becoming more popular, then I'd recommend that you search around youtube for people with a similar sized subscriber base to you :) the chances are that those 6k subscribers on both channels will be different and if you do a collaboration with them, you will gain lots of new subscribers and views from it :)
Going viral isn't a goal, it's pure luck. Working hard to gain subscribers and become popular that way is a goal.
i can't sing so i can't help but if it was something like someones trying to record and then someone walks in and tries to wreck it or something to make it kind of make it funny. I'ts hard for me to explain it but someone has done this before but i can't remember who.