Its been a while since ive posted a video on here :)


I've Got It
Mainly because ive been commeting on other peoples threads and what not not but anyway i made a commentary on what is a gamer girl/girl gamer because in the youtube community a girl doesnt want to be called that because it is a derogatory statement so im kind of confused so what would we call a girl who plays videogames?? Leave feedback in the thread or in the comments of the video.

I am finding it enlightening listening to thy take on the gender values local to thineown culture (previous videos) and now looking at the expectations coming out of the YouTube gaming community when it comes to roles. I think that it's good and proper that the term "girl gamer" is taken back from misogynistic stupidity in reframing it -- it's obvious that it's already got a problem in that there is no "boy gamer" although there are so obviously also males who game.

Recent statistics show that 47% of the audience of gamers happen to be girls.

It's about time that we keep rolling our eyes at what roles people press a "girl gamer," or any girl who games, into -- because we don't need people marketing games as if only boys play them; people making games that are pink, sparkly, or "soft and gentle" and pretend that girls should be off playing those instead. I'm not happy with this nebulous group who are defining girls into these boxes anyway -- certainly I can hear it in the language and in the jokes -- because it's damaging to our culture as a whole.

Gamers represent a damn lot of people. We are no small strange niche subculture, we're people who who use technology and entertainment, we think in interfaces and multiple dimensions, and we have a community that lives alongside every other one. It's about time it cleaned itself up.