Is Vimeo worth it?

That's not true. You can sell your video's actually. Make people pay an X amount of money so they can view the video or an X amount of money so that they may download your video.
Nobody will pay to watch vlogs online, unless you're really famous, and even so, chances are they will pirate your content and re-upload it to some torrent sites, instead of paying vimeo. Therefore my point above stands: you can't earn money on Vimeo.
Vimeo is way better than YouTube IMO :)
The community is super friendly and you can get awesome feedback f you're a film-maker or if you make Animations.
For v-Logs or Edu Videos Youtube would be better. except if you're making tutorials for cameras or like I said animation etc.
Quality>Quantity :pP
You can also earn Money from Vimeo if youre A Plus or Pro Member.
Then you have to pay a fix amour per year, BUT you can add something to your Video so if they like your video they can give you some money if they want:)
Nobody will pay to watch vlogs online, unless you're really famous, and even so, chances are they will pirate your content and re-upload it to some torrent sites, instead of paying vimeo. Therefore my point above stands: you can't earn money on Vimeo.

And that's why I said Vimeo is uninteresting for vloggers and gamers. "Therefore my point above stands: you can't earn money on Vimeo." And still you can otherwise this option wouldn't be there lol.

Vimeo is way better than YouTube IMO :)
The community is super friendly and you can get awesome feedback f you're a film-maker or if you make Animations.
For v-Logs or Edu Videos Youtube would be better. except if you're making tutorials for cameras or like I said animation etc.
Quality>Quantity :pP
You can also earn Money from Vimeo if youre A Plus or Pro Member.
Then you have to pay a fix amour per year, BUT you can add something to your Video so if they like your video they can give you some koney if they want:)

Well said.