Is this normal for 27k views?


New Member
Hey Guys!

I recently got monetised a few months ago (yay) and I am pretty confused how it works. A video I posted approximately a month ago has just reached 27k views. I checked and the revenue I received from it the last 28 days is 15$. Is this normal? I thought it would earn more...

Any advice would be appreciated.

How many ads were shown? (Ad Impressions) I usually earn $1 per 1000 ad impressions.
So not all views will be monetised.

After that it comes down to content / SEO etc
If your video had like 20K views before you were approved for monetisation that means that all the views before that period won't count since they never showed an ad.

If you go to your analytics, then AD rates, you can see the Estimated Monetised Playbacks which mean that at least 1 ad was shown in the video. This is way different than views, for example you can 100K views in a video but only 20K monetised playbacks.

I believe all of this depends on the auction of the ads, if your channel is getting some ads, not every playback will show ads, if people aren't using AdBlock and from which country people are watching. Some countries pay less than $1 per 1000 ad impressions and some of them pay $2 or even $5.

I also think that in the beginning your channel won't show a lot of ads, like YouTube needs a little bit of time before trusting your channel but this is just speculation from my part. Plus ad revenue in January is going to be the worst so don't expect a lot this 2 next months specially if you are new!
Check on the watch time for that video too. If people are watching the first few seconds and then moving to another video they will not have time to see, or click on, the ads. In that case you will not get paid.
Work on your watch time and engagement, the longer you can keep your viewers watching the screen the greater the chance of earning from ad revenue.
I recently learned as well that videos of over 10 minutes get higher revenue because more ads can be run.