Is socialblade accurate?


Active Member
Hi! I just wanted to ask if the Socialblade "estimated earings" is accurate to what I would actually be getting. It says that I could be getting form 1-12 dollars per month, if I monetize my videos will I be getting like 10 dollars or like 2. I just don't know how close to reality it is. Thanks!
Usually the earning do fall somewhere in the range that socialblade says but i mean.. that range is just ridiculous. Thats like teacher guaranteeing students that they will definitely get between F and A grade. You can't know exactly until you actually monetize and see your earnings in your analytics.
Usually the earning do fall somewhere in the range that socialblade says but i mean.. that range is just ridiculous. Thats like teacher guaranteeing students that they will definitely get between F and A grade. You can't know exactly until you actually monetize and see your earnings in your analytics.
Exactly this and expect to get an E or a D rather than an A or B, maybe a C but never an A. T_T
Hmm, alright, any so is it ridiculously different for anyone? Like some people get a D most of the time while others an A or is it pretty much the same for anyone for example most people are around the b category
In reality, the rate varies every video, every month, every day, every viewers, every topic. That's why the range is huge. Can't say exactly. I always just assume people are getting around 20-30% of their highest possible earnings from socialblade.

So for me personally, from your earnings, max is $12. So I assume you are only getting around $2.4 to $3.6, no more no less. Am I right? Have you monetised your videos yet to confirm this?
Hmm, alright, any so is it ridiculously different for anyone? Like some people get a D most of the time while others an A or is it pretty much the same for anyone for example most people are around the b category

Very popular channels, trending videos, or very focused niches tend to get higher on the scale. Most channels get closer to the lowest estimate.

The reason being is that it's about what the companies buying advertising space are willing to do. e.g. Companies willing to spend more money will be more willing to pay for more premium ads, e.g. advertisement on very popular videos/channels. Since so many views obviously come from popular channels, it has a large effect on the average pay rates that calculate social blades statistics, hence why you have ranges from very low CPM's (being the cheap ads that get run on most videos on YouTube) to very high CPM's (That get run for higher prices on more popular videos).