Is overwatch youtube videos dying or too saturated?


I don't know if it is me or something relating to myself, but it feels like the YouTube niche of gaming dying slowly, and the use of vlogs and YouTube drama is the only spike for views. It is annoying that a niche that i am interested is dying slowly, not completely and as an overwatch youtuber, i am kind of losing some hope to even carry on... I look into the volume searches within Overwatch, barely anyone views Overwatch which is sad, its a great game, and me making, what i can see funny but epic style video relating towards overwatch, its hardly getting any spark of light.
Well with any channel centered on one specific game, when the hype for the game dies so does the channel.

It would be a good idea to start playing something new. Fortnite is huge right now, give it a chance.
Trends come and go, I can only guess you like playing other games than Overwatch? If you want toll follow trends, you can go play said game, and maybe even PUBG. Some people might even still play GMOD. I don´t follow the gaming genre, so I don´t have any ideas!
Drama and vlogs isn’t the only way to get views, there’s tons of YouTube channel that don’t do drama or vlogs and they get lots of views. For example: superwoman, Liza koshy, Shane Dawson, Miranda sings etc. I think there’s so many gaming channels that it’s really hard to compete now in 2017, there’s still channels that are gaming channels that get lots of vies and subscribers still but those are the ones that been around for a long time, but I’m sure if a new gaming channel comes along that everyone likes they still get the views and the subscribers, they just have to be different from the rest of the YouTube gamers.
Moved to the scripts / ideas / planning forum. :)

the YouTube niche of gaming dying

I think the term "niche" is very misunderstood and gets used incorrectly on this forum. Probably the fault of many YouTube "gurus" who use the term incorrectly too. A niche is a small sub-set of a large market. It's a specialisation into one very small part of a large market.

Examples away from YouTube. The restaurant business is a large market. It's an industry. If someone opened an organic, gluten-free restaurant. That would be a niche.

"Gaming" isn't a niche. "vlogs" aren't a niche. They are the large market. They are like the overall restaurant business. They are a full industry.

A niche would be a channel dedicated to "Games for the commodore 64, commentary in Spanish"

The whole point of having a niche (as per the correct definition) is that if you have done your research correctly, identifying a good niche would mean you have identified an area where there is hardly any competition, but still quite a bit of demand. Without a niche, you'd be trying to compete with the whole market and the little guy would have no chance against the bigger companies.

Coming back to the OP. Gaming isn't a niche. Even "overwatch gaming vids" isn't really a niche because it's a hugely popular game in a huge industry. Therefore "overwatch gaming vids on YouTube" is in itself an industry and has a huge amount of competition. A small channel starting out would have very little chance of getting noticed amongst the bigger channels. That's why you're not succeeding. Too much competition in a broad market. It's like opening an independent fast food restaurant in a city where there are already 5 McDonalds and 5 Burger Kings. You'd be more successful if you opened a sushi restarant.

You'd have to specialize further to make it into a niche. That could be concentrating on one particular aspect of the game andf making videos ONLY about that apsect. Or one particular style of video (montages, funny clips) Or if you spoke a foreign language, make commentary in tha language. Something that narrows it down into a specialization where there are fewer competitors, but there would still be an active market. Or choosing a totally different subject (less mainstream) altogether.
Yt gaming as a whole is not a niche.
Overwatching gaming videos are not a niche.

Crown is for the most part right. A niche is a subset of a larger market. You want to find something with low competition and quite a bit of unanswered demand; but that doesn't define what a niche is.

It is totally possible to find a niche with so little demand that 1 or 2 people could cover that demand and get very little views.

Let's say there's some fps game. And on it's own it's a small but full fledged market. Let's say the biggest youtuber to specialize in this game has 300k subs. But there are clone games out there of this game. So you decide to make a video for a niche of this game called "Top 5 worst copies of ....."

So your video hits search volume with this niche subset of the game, but there's no way you can fan the flames to make this niche into its own full fledge market.

Still it can be helpful to make a video for this niche anyway because its always good to get new impressions through search volume. Maybe you can make a good impression on these new impressions.
Personally I think the gamer youtubers are over saturated, along with a lot of other genres like beauty. If you really want to do those types of video's then you really have to hussle & find a way to stand out from the rest of them. Unfortunately yes when the game dies so does the vid hype, but i guess there's enough games out there always coming out that you can do to keep views/subs coming. Personality is a big one of gamer youtubers. I love Alodia Gosiengfao, she's a gamer & cosplayer so incorporating the two is a great idea. & she's gorgeous soooo yeah lol