Is it still Content Theft if they translate your videos?

Douglas MacKrell

The Internet's Foremost Sexpro
Forgive me if this is not the right place for this thread, but I'm in a pickle.

Just today I was contacted through comments on my videos by someone basically using my name. Douglas MackellESP is what he goes by on YT. He wished me luck and - at the moment - has nothing uploaded to his channel... save for my EXACT profile pic which he (or she) copied from my G+ account (though it's easy to find - I try to be universal in my profile pictures).

One of my followers went to my defense, and asked for him to take down the account - but they quickly replied that they were not a "fake account" they were translating my "amazing videos" into Spanish.

So my question to you all is - what do I do with this?

Ultimately they'll be making money off of my content to a different audience. My work is not Creative Commons, and it is monetized - so filing a copyright claim is easy if he uses 100% of my visuals.

But his work may be a way to reach a market that I can't because of a language barrier.

So is this something I should squash? Has this ever happened to anyone else? I've had my videos stolen by bots - but this is new by me.[DOUBLEPOST=1390499756,1390499433][/DOUBLEPOST]Not to mention what this may do to my channel's SEO. Having duplicate videos floating around may split the difference and cost me views.
It's still content theft. Translations and derivative works rights still go to the content owner. The reason why they do it is because it's much more difficult for the content ID system to detect because it's largely audio based and they're changing the audio. They also deliberately use your profile pic and a user name similar to yours to confuse potential viewers into thinking it might actually be you. I would recommend shutting them down.
It's still content theft. Translations and derivative works rights still go to the content owner. The reason why they do it is because it's much more difficult for the content ID system to detect because it's largely audio based and they're changing the audio. They also deliberately use your profile pic and a user name similar to yours to confuse potential viewers into thinking it might actually be you. I would recommend shutting them down.
That was my gut reaction - but this guy reached out to me directly to let me know he was doing it, which gave me pause. Since YT only has tools to take down videos and not channels - I'll have to wait until he has 3 videos uploaded so I can give him the right amount of strikes to take down his channel.
Definitely content theft although it might as well be that the person even thinks he/she is doing something good for you. Maybe try and find an agreement with them first unless you really don't want copies of the videos floating around.
I actually found some German channels which simply translate English videos but I am sure that they somehow license them since they are in a professional network and advertised and all that.

E.g. these:

Many identical videos but the German view count is not too shabby either.