Is it really that easy?

So, I know there has been a lot of talk about RPM becoming the new, but can it be this easy?:

So, just for fun I tried to go to RPM's website to apply and this is how it goes down:
1. I put in my full name and click "Connect with YouTube"
2. I get the screen saying "Congratulations! We think your channel is perfect for the RPM Network! We are all about family and community!"
3. I click "Proceed to Agreement"
4. I get to a page with all of the terms & conditions. Stuff like that. Telling me how long I'll be in for, revenue share, etc. (contract?)

So if I accept this and choose "Submit", will that be it? Would I be part of RPM Network? Is it that easy? Or is there more to it? :confused:

You can't be accepted into a network until your Adsense is appealed.
What really? :O I was actually looking forward to RPM, being my 1st partnership :/
But in socialblade the partner button still doesnt appear X)

You can just apply directly on RPM's web page and you'll get accepted although I really wouldn't.. I partnered with them before all this happened and I can tell you the partner support is atrocious now.