Is it better to just use Google Adsense or to partner with a Network?

ahhhh.... welp, I'll leave this to the experts now, Stupor Symph, AWAY!!!!

Hehe :D
Thanks so much for all the info everyone!!! I have had a problem monetizing a few of my videos. I've only had 2 videos be completely denied so far which I don't understand bc I'm just talking in 1 and the other video I have permission to use the music in it/ have all the appropriate links. I also used the same song in another video and it was monetized(makes no sense) I have heard that networks only promote the larger channels esp the network that contacted me (StyleHaul) so I'm not expecting them to really promote me. My main concern is having my Google account disabled or click bombed and having my videos monetized, but idk if it is worth giving up 30% of what I make. I tried to negotiate a better offer or at least bring it down to 2 yrs and they said it was standard and it had to be for 2 yrs. Since I am a beauty channel I'm not sure what other networks there are to partner with bc the only one I ever hear about is StyleHaul. I would like to speak to a different network to see if I could receive a better offer, but StyleHaul is the only one I've heard from so far.
Thanks so much for all the info everyone!!! I have had a problem monetizing a few of my videos. I've only had 2 videos be completely denied so far which I don't understand bc I'm just talking in 1 and the other video I have permission to use the music in it/ have all the appropriate links. I also used the same song in another video and it was monetized(makes no sense) I have heard that networks only promote the larger channels esp the network that contacted me (StyleHaul) so I'm not expecting them to really promote me. My main concern is having my Google account disabled or click bombed and having my videos monetized, but idk if it is worth giving up 30% of what I make. I tried to negotiate a better offer or at least bring it down to 2 yrs and they said it was standard and it had to be for 2 yrs. Since I am a beauty channel I'm not sure what other networks there are to partner with bc the only one I ever hear about is StyleHaul. I would like to speak to a different network to see if I could receive a better offer, but StyleHaul is the only one I've heard from so far.

You might try creatorX They're an offshoot of fullscreen, supposed to be pretty easy to get accepted to, and supposed to be very good :)
You might try creatorX They're an offshoot of fullscreen, supposed to be pretty easy to get accepted to, and supposed to be very good :)
If she wants to join Fullscreen, they have their own beauty subnetwork, Beautique, that would would a better choice than creator x. Though that is probably the subnetwork they would place you in if you applied at Fullscreen.

But apply to many different networks, do research, and choose the one of the best offer. Don't forget to negotiate with all of them, and don't forget you can always stick with adsense.
Well back in the day when I was on the adsense partner program, I earned a lot more than I did with a network, back then I got partnered with TGN and I can tell you now that adsense paid me more. Go with a network that will let you negotiate the contract.