Is gaming on YouTube Dying?

As long as people play games, gaming videos will always be popular. To get big in gaming is another aspect entirely, it's oversaturated with content, to have your content stand out you have to make content that... stands out. Be different and provide something other channels, in gaming, are not.
Of course not but it is getting harder and harder. This is just my opinion (and maybe I´m wrong) but anyone can play a game, talk S... and record it:) And that why 10 billion do, and that´s why it´s getting harder do attract attention:) But to answer your question No it´s not dying (it will probably get worse) but it will be much, MUCH harder to build a channel around gaming only:)
It's not dead, it's just really hard to have a successful gaming channel nowadays (wow that made me sound old lmao) because so many people are doing it now! From what I've noticed, a lot of the successful people involved in the gaming community have had their channels for awhile, so honestly that could totally be a major factor regarding this, however the newer channels that get into it just have almost an infectious personality that people love to watch or do something else like stream on Twitch which has their followers there carry over or they just do something special regarding editing and all that!

I don't think I have an infectious personality but I'll take it lol ^^

Just to give my opinion as a relatively new (6 months old) gaming channel. NO, youtube gaming is completely the opposite of being dead, it brings millions of views every day, if you mean Gaming channels of course. If you mean the app, youtube gaming then yeah... is dying and was pretty much a failure but at least gaming channels have memberships thanks to that.

YES, is really hard to succeed as a gaming creator simply because of all the competition as Boris Qs already explained. But if you do things right, find a niche and with a bit of luck you can grow extremely fast. This also happens with other type of channels, not only gaming.

My channel has being doing well so far, not like extremely amazing, but as a new gaming channel I can't complain and we keep growing every day. In the end, if you do what you love and work hard no matter what type of channel you are... I like to think you will grow.
Saying "Gaming is dead (dying)" is a little overexaggerated in my honest opinion. The issue with Gaming on youtube is actually quite the contrary, it's growing. An example of this is businesses, which technically, YouTube is. Imagine YouTube as one large city. In this city, you have people with cars (desires to watch gaming), and they need gas (content). One person opens a gas station (creates a youtube channel) and then other people hop on board. So the city ends up having an oversaturated level of gas stations, so each place gets fewer customers than before. This can be compared to gaming on YouTube. So many gamers have made the gaming community saturated that you can find billions of channels to watch almost the SAME content. So no, Gaming on Youtube is not dead, it's more alive than it has ever been. Which may not be a good thing.
I have to agree with everyone who replied. Gaming channels on youtube are far from dead. Many people run gaming channels now and so it's a pretty oversaturated Niche on Youtube. I run a gaming channel and doing decent with over 340 subs and a very active community. Mostly with a gaming channel it's all about standing out from the big guns (like Jacksepticeye and Markiplier). That can be kind of hard because standing out from them is getting your SEO right, making amazing thumbnails (which I still suck at) and having a personality that draws people in. So no gaming isn't dying it's just oversaturated which makes it harder to grow in then most other youtube niches.