Introducing your voice for the first time? Tips here!

I started and revived my YT Channel on January 2015, and i planned on introducing my voice to the Channel for the first time. You feel nervous? Don't worry, i was to.

If you cant seem to start talking to your laptop/PC or your camera, and think to yourself that you're a crazy person, i have a few effective tips that i did so that i would feel like i'm talking to a real person.

• Talk in calm way. Don't start talking like the way you do to your friends, this will encourage more nervousness to go to your mind, and you'll start eating up your own words. Just relax and talk calm and slowly if needed.
• If you still can't do it, wear headphones and listen to music, put the volume up to where you cant hear your own voice, then start talking. This really helped me out in my first few videos.
• Keep doing this until you've uploaded to about more than 5 videos, once you have, you should really start getting the hang of it, you wont feel nervousness anymore and you'll start feelin that you're talking to a real person!

Please reply back if you're still having problems, i'm very glad to help ^.^
Interesting. You'll find as you make more and more videos that not only does it become easier to talk to the camera, but your words will flow more fluently, thus eliminating all of those "umms" and "uhhs".
nice tips, ill be using my voice on my first milestone vid, and have no idea how to come accross. Do I play energetic girl? do i talk like I'd talk to a friend? do I start with "hello youtube"? its just so daunting for a first time
Personally, I've always thought to myself 1: Don't believe that your friends are going to watch your videos - This allows me to just be myself and be calm and enjoy the game or what I'm doing. 2: What ever you say, think about it before you say it - Such as, not saying phrases that you yourself wouldn't like to hear in a video if you were watching it. Oh, and DON'T say anything offensive. People who comment can jump on that small piece in an otherwise excellent video
nice tips, ill be using my voice on my first milestone vid, and have no idea how to come accross. Do I play energetic girl? do i talk like I'd talk to a friend? do I start with "hello youtube"? its just so daunting for a first time
You can play any music you want to, as long as it you don't hear your voice too much (can cause you nervousness if the volume is too low).

If you feel like you can talk in the video as if you're talking to one of your friends, then that's great, if not, then i advise you to make multiple videos with your voice, soon you won't be having any more problems ^.^

And yes, you can say "hello youtube", a good intro is a good video, good luck!
tips for everyone who is nervous to talk on camera for the first time is that everyone sounds bad the first time, even the biggest youtubers and that's okay, that's how you develop
It's easier if your channel is newer and you are relatively unknown. There's also the thought of conversational style. In my videos, I tend to be objective, to the point and a little formal (similar to newscasting). However, sometimes I like to be more personal and casual, so my potential audience can see that I'm down to earth and not reading from a script.

You may not like your first attempt but, it can be a learning opportunity to improve from.