

YTtalk's Cute Kitty =^..^=
Hey guys!

Ok so im a total reject when it comes to social media and using it.
EXCEPT for instagram addicted to that, and thats the only thing i use and know how to use lol.

I would totally love to know your instagrams if you have one! And i would love some more followers because i upload some awesome zoo pictures and videos on instagram and its such a fun way to keep connected to people :)

My instagram is of course SakuraPaws!

love you guys :) <3
I made an Instagram, though I don't really use it for anything. I only recently started taking selfies, and there's no big food day coming up. I found out the other day that my uncle (who I hardly ever get to see, but really miss), has an Instagram account. So I'm definitely gonna be using it now, to keep in touch with him.

I believe my Instagram is: therealjerikane

If not, there's always that button in the signature area.
lol i forgot so many people just use instagram to post food xD
i dont think i've ever done that ! :eek:

Just lots of little snippets from my life and to talk to people haha.

Guess it depends who you follow, i like following celebrities too kind of get to see into their world :eek: