Indie Game Monitization

Sounds good, and no problem.

The other part is the "in reality" rather than the "in legality" side of things...

in practice DO's and DON'Ts:
  • don't post cutscenes/cinamatics/trailers (especially in their entirety)
  • do follow fair use (educational or review)
  • don't post in game music if you think it isn't publisher's original works
  • If research shows a publisher active takes action against youtube vids, don't touch it
  • if you follow the above, you will generally be fine monetizing content despite the legal ambiguity.
I would never leave out cutscenes. It's a part of the game and I know more YouTubers keeping it in their final edit.
I would never leave out cutscenes. It's a part of the game and I know more YouTubers keeping it in their final edit.
If you are on adsense and dealing with a company that is known to go after videos, its a good idea. That is the part Content-ID will recognize and flag your video for. I know it isn't ideal for the users, but its your channel.

Note - you can get banned for uploading such, even if you aren't monetizing. Monetizing has pretty much nothing to do with it.
I have also heard of some people who contacted developers of indie games and they were excited to have someone doing videos of their game they even promoted the videos on facebook. A lot of the indie developers like the free advertisement. :)