Indie Beginning... Maybe?

Indie Beginnings also has alliteration going for it to some extent. It's catchy. Up to you ultimately. If you're ever skeptical of it, don't use it. Don't be 6 months down the road and still not be 100% with how you feel about it.
Hey, if they don't get the reference, they can't get confused about a lack of other bible connections. Win win. :D

I think people will get the wordplay on the phrase "in the beginning" if they're gonna connect it to the bible, I don't know, but I don't think they need to. It's still a pun, it still has double meaning, it still works. So I don't think you need the bible themed intro either.

I would probably just make it video game themed, like 8bit /16bit style, since that's still a big trend in the indie game scene. Or, if you're good at making intros and have the time make an intro in the style of the game your reviewing. While keeping the music/sound/voice-over/whatever you choose to use the same for branding.

Dunno, just throwing some thoughts at you...
That's good insight, I hadn't thought of disconnecting the biblical reference and just using the wordplay! I'll try the 8/16bit style intro idea, do you know if it's alright to post videos on this forum? That way I could make an intro and show it you so you can critique it :)