In desperate need of feedback.


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I've had my channel for a little over a year now. For the most part i've seen a slow and steady grow, with an ok view rate per video. Nowadays, while my sub count is still rising at the usual rate, I find that my view count per video hasn't changed, or even worse, gone down completely.

This has led me to believe that there is something wrong, and i'd be a terrible youtuber (maybe I already am) if I didn't seek to find a solution real quick. Of course i've run through analytics, but I can't seem to pinpoint a trend.

Was it my content? My personality? My editing? My SEO?

I couldn't pinpoint the answer myself. So I turn to public opinion.

If you'd be so kind, please visit my channel and give me sincere feedback. Do NOT hold back.

I forgot if my channel was linked to this account but if you search up "DewyOtter" you'll find me pretty easily.

Thanks in advance.

- Dewy
Hello. I looked your channel and watched few videos and personally i liked. And you have very interesting channel, honestly. But first bad thing i saw is that your descriptions are not good. You MUST have much longer description because if you don't tell to YouTube what's your videos is about, YouTube will not know. I think that is the first thing you must change to have more views. Best regards
Hey mate , i'v just finished having a look at your channel and i can see why you aren't getting many views.

Your content , graphics and even the quality are all amazing and you should be really proud of yourself for that mate but the only problem is your not making searchable videos.

You need to start researching before you make your video on what your keywords are going to be and how you can make that video as searchable as possible. Your most successful video is your Pokemon go in Sydney video , that because it is ranked second for that search term.

pokemon go ytt.PNG

I would give you advise on how to improve your SEO but watch Brain Dean's SEO video
instead because it gives you great tips :)

Good luck bro :)
Hello. I looked your channel and watched few videos and personally i liked. And you have very interesting channel, honestly. But first bad thing i saw is that your descriptions are not good. You MUST have much longer description because if you don't tell to YouTube what's your videos is about, YouTube will not know. I think that is the first thing you must change to have more views. Best regards
You're right on in that respect. I have been slacking off in my descriptions. Guess I didn't think it mattered too much. Thanks buddy.[DOUBLEPOST=1488205970,1488205864][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hey mate , i'v just finished having a look at your channel and i can see why you aren't getting many views.

Your content , graphics and even the quality are all amazing and you should be really proud of yourself for that mate but the only problem is your not making searchable videos.

You need to start researching before you make your video on what your keywords are going to be and how you can make that video as searchable as possible. Your most successful video is your Pokemon go in Sydney video , that because it is ranked second for that search term.

View attachment 39752

I would give you advise on how to improve your SEO but watch Brain Dean's SEO video
instead because it gives you great tips :)

Good luck bro :)
Ah yes, SEO. I've always had the nagging suspicion that that may have been my weakest aspect. Thank you for confirming it with me. I'll definitely have to brush myself up on it, as well as give that video a whack. I thank you for your time and compliments brother.
AYYYYE A fellow Aussie :p

I really like the videos I've watched so far man, Super good!
As said above your SEO could use some work I think (but who's doesn't)

Gaming in general is a very hard but I feel with your animation you could add a twist to it and make it very unique, whether it be adding your DewyOtter in spoofing a potential face cam (I think there is great potential for a troll here where you put in the title 'FIRST EVER FACECAM' or something) or maybe do more videos like your 'Undertale - A Quick Comedic Summary' but with the actual Otter animations as it seems your latest videos with the Otter seem to get more views then your normal videos... Personally this leads me to believe that a chunk of your viewers are coming for the Otter animations (as the more recent videos it's been in haven't been gaming related) so if you could some how combine these 2 with clickbait-y titles (I know horrible) that don't seem game related and add the Otter with the game, you could have a recipe for success...

Maybe also put in some calls to action like 'Make sure you subscribe for blah blah' or 'Comment and You could get a shout out in my next video' etc. Make people want to interact with you, so that when you do eventually get another semi-viral video (like 10k views) people won't just watch and leave. They'll actually subscribe and comment etc.

The other thing I've noticed is in the past it looks like you've had breaks or time off... This can be killer for a channel (some channels it doesn't matter, but others obviously it does) as people can forget about you, which obviously you don't want at all... So consistency is key (I know that this can be hard with animation and life and everything but try your best :) )

ANYWAY I could be completely and utterly wrong but hopefully some of these tips are somewhat helpful :D
To be honest, I'm not sure why you aren't getting many views, your videos are awesome xD
Youtube obviously has something against Australians :p
Keep up the good work man! Success will follow!