I'm Gonna Be Myself From Now On


I need to stop caring too much.

Feel like I haven't really been myself on my channel. I've always tried to express things in a way that people wouldn't yell at me for it. But then I have to leave out half of the things I actually think of something cuz maybe it would offend someone. That's not really me. I wanna be able to say what I want, what I ACTUALLY think of something. That's what I'm gonna do from now on :wavespin:

Vicboss symphonious7 KGATV ForeverAlonePrick JSacks

I just tagged a group of people I don't really talk to. Some of you not that much, and some of you not at all.
But hey, we can be friends! Right? :wideyed2:[DOUBLEPOST=1372881116,1372880624][/DOUBLEPOST]Katherinejane001 We are getting more on the friend side after that Miranda thing on your thread :D
AAAAACKKK!!!! KEELLI I LOVVVVEEE YUOOOOU!!!!!! I LOVE THIS VLOG!!!! PULL OUT THAT BADASS GIRLFRIEND!!! YOU GO!! YOU GO!!! AND YOU BETTER QUIT DISAPPEARING ON ME CAUSE I MISS YOU WHEN YOU DOOOOO!!!!!!! HUGSSSSSSSSSS[DOUBLEPOST=1372885009,1372884670][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh and I know I've always been the one to give you advice on this matter, but believe it or not, I just did the same thing!!! I wasn't "unconfident" or having "anxiety" I was worried I was going to turn arrogant, I didn't want to be arrogant, so I'd tone down the confidence and the swagger and that stuff, or I was planning on doing that, the video in my sig was me deciding it was time to. And then I talked to some people about this. And not just that I thought really hard.

If you're not willing to be totally YOU, you will never be a top vlogger. You HAVE to be a little arrogant, it's GOOD to be a little arrogant as a vlogger, you don't wanna be stuck up your a**, but you wanna speak your mind and share your essence without any inhibitions! And mine is to act like a crazy eccentric rockstar, and yours is to.. I don't know the word for it but you've got a fiestyness in you you need to be unafraid to let out! If you don't stick with it though I'm gonna KICK YOUR BUTT YA HEAR??? hehehehehehehehehe ACK! So proud!!!
In my first couple of videos, I don't feel like I was me at all. My first couple of vlogs...I didn't even recognize myself. One, I even deleted. I don't do many vlogs...but more and more, I have been trying to come out as myself, and who I really am. So great job, don't ever lose this confidence :) People will ultimately love you for who you are!
AAAAACKKK!!!! KEELLI I LOVVVVEEE YUOOOOU!!!!!! I LOVE THIS VLOG!!!! PULL OUT THAT BADASS GIRLFRIEND!!! YOU GO!! YOU GO!!! AND YOU BETTER QUIT DISAPPEARING ON ME CAUSE I MISS YOU WHEN YOU DOOOOO!!!!!!! HUGSSSSSSSSSS[DOUBLEPOST=1372885009,1372884670][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh and I know I've always been the one to give you advice on this matter, but believe it or not, I just did the same thing!!! I wasn't "unconfident" or having "anxiety" I was worried I was going to turn arrogant, I didn't want to be arrogant, so I'd tone down the confidence and the swagger and that stuff, or I was planning on doing that, the video in my sig was me deciding it was time to. And then I talked to some people about this. And not just that I thought really hard.

If you're not willing to be totally YOU, you will never be a top vlogger. You HAVE to be a little arrogant, it's GOOD to be a little arrogant as a vlogger, you don't wanna be stuck up your a**, but you wanna speak your mind and share your essence without any inhibitions! And mine is to act like a crazy eccentric rockstar, and yours is to.. I don't know the word for it but you've got a fiestyness in you you need to be unafraid to let out! If you don't stick with it though I'm gonna KICK YOUR BUTT YA HEAR??? hehehehehehehehehe ACK! So proud!!!

Man you make me smiiiiiilllleeee :biggrin:
Sometimes I get scared that people will think I'm full of myself or something, but then I'm like... that's not true at all, and I know who I am better than anyone else does.
I watch Kingsley's videos a lot and he inspires me in a way. He just says whatever he thinks of something, not afraid to seem arrogant, and people love him for it. And I love him for it, too. So I figured I have to do the same thing. I see all those people moving to the top and stuff so quickly and then I wonder why isn't my channel blowing up and it's cuz I wasn't myself. Being that very very top vlogger isn't even my goal, but I do want to have this little community of people who comment and leave ideas etc.

But you man, Symph, you know why I like you? I like you cuz you are that one crazy dude on youtube. I've seen that sometimes you get crap for just being you, but I hope that never gets to you.
Well while it's true that the people who love you will love you MORE for who you are, some people will hate you for who you are. But here's the big epiphany, the realization. The ones who hate you for who you are? They don't hate you for something you did, they don't hate you for a mistake you made, no they legitimately hate you for WHO YOU ARE. There's nothing that can be done about that is there? You're gonna keep being who you are. So is it log
Man you make me smiiiiiilllleeee :biggrin:
Sometimes I get scared that people will think I'm full of myself or something, but then I'm like... that's not true at all, and I know who I am better than anyone else does.
I watch Kingsley's videos a lot and he inspires me in a way. He just says whatever he thinks of something, not afraid to seem arrogant, and people love him for it. And I love him for it, too. So I figured I have to do the same thing. I see all those people moving to the top and stuff so quickly and then I wonder why isn't my channel blowing up and it's cuz I wasn't myself. Being that very very top vlogger isn't even my goal, but I do want to have this little community of people who comment and leave ideas etc.

But you man, Symph, you know why I like you? I like you cuz you are that one crazy dude on youtube. I've seen that sometimes you get crap for just being you, but I hope that never gets to you.
It's been a long struggle man. I was going in and out of questioning myself, then getting confident, then questioning myself, I tried vlogging different ways, toning down different things, bringing them back out again. But I think this is what we have to realize.

When you are being YOU, and thinking about your audience while you vlog, and doing what you do with the motivation of being positive and entertaining in a good and positive way, you are vlogging correctly. As long as you're not doing something you KNOW could offend and hurt people and just being like "whatever I don't care" and as long as you know you weren't trying to be something you're not, you are vlogging the right way.

And if you're doing that, and people don't like you or dislike or hate? The tendency is to think "what did I do wrong" when you need to accept, you did nothing wrong, these are the people who plain and simple DONT LIKE YOU. Just like how in real life some people for no good reason other than they suck DONT LIKE YOU, these people just plain DONT LIKE YOU. And you certainly can't stop being you for the sake of vlogging, and you certainly can't like.. you will never be the vlogger no one hates, cause everyone has people who can't stand them.

So as long as they don't like you for just being you, what the hell were you planning on changing? Were you gonna insert someone else's soul into your body? Naw man, there's no point in caring about that kind of hate. It's just people that don't like you for you, so you can just pass a super mighty middle finger their way and keep going about your badass business :smug:
It's been a long struggle man. I was going in and out of questioning myself, then getting confident, then questioning myself, I tried vlogging different ways, toning down different things, bringing them back out again. But I think this is what we have to realize.

You still act more free on camera, though. I would like to feel as free, too. Just talk about whatever, do whatever, without thinking oh there's a camera recording this.
You still act more free on camera, though. I would like to feel as free, too. Just talk about whatever, do whatever, without thinking oh there's a camera recording this.

And that my dear is the struggle of vlogging. It's not easy, and it just takes tons of time. I still can see myself being aware of the camera in my videos, even though my subs usually tell me I appear as if I'm totally unaware. In the video in this thread though? I thought you seemed TOTALLY free, I loved it man it was inspiring!
And that my dear is the struggle of vlogging. It's not easy, and it just takes tons of time. I still can see myself being aware of the camera in my videos, even though my subs usually tell me I appear as if I'm totally unaware. In the video in this thread though? I thought you seemed TOTALLY free, I loved it man it was inspiring!

I think I appear free when I'm either p****d off or totally done with all kinds of crap and people. And in that video, I was done with trying to please people who have just so little significance in my life if they're not my friends nor family.
That video is sort of like a new page, new start in my life. I constantly feel that a lot of things are changing for the better in my life right now and all those changes are pulling me with them. Now I often find myself doing things that I was afraid of like a year or so ago. I find myself leaving a confident first impression, like I said in my video, and that's something I've never been able to do before. People that I meet for the first time tell me in real life that, and I quote a person I recently met: "I look in your face and right away I can see that you're a person who gets things done."
I was like whoa, wait... so that's what people think when they see me??? That's awesome! :bounce:
I think I appear free when I'm either p****d off or totally done with all kinds of crap and people. And in that video, I was done with trying to please people who have just so little significance in my life if they're not my friends nor family.
That video is sort of like a new page, new start in my life. I constantly feel that a lot of things are changing for the better in my life right now and all those changes are pulling me with them. Now I often find myself doing things that I was afraid of like a year or so ago. I find myself leaving a confident first impression, like I said in my video, and that's something I've never been able to do before. People that I meet for the first time tell me in real life that, and I quote a person I recently met: "I look in your face and right away I can see that you're a person who gets things done."
I was like whoa, wait... so that's what people think when they see me??? That's awesome! :bounce:

We're so similar. I feel like such a goofy dorky loser alot of the times. But people tell me I'm a rock star and I'm this inspiring amazing guy. I also feel like I'm lazy and procrastinate on everything, people tell me I accomplish a ton and I'm a hard working go getter. Weird how that works... I think we need to accept our shmexiness Kelly, we're shmexy we just don't know it....