Haha, thanks for all the replies guys. The hating has stopped now and Vanessa has done me a massive kindness and I'm now only 2 likes off 50!

"Chav" is a stereotype used to describe those who wear tracksuits, are nasty tuggish people, don't have a decent knowledge of the english language and in some cases poor.

The actually word chav stand for - Council Housed And Violent.
tell me about it, I have a video about christina aguilera and ooooohhh the haters...
I find it funny, but I was bad when one told me to kill myself :S

I'll like yours, no probs.
would you mind doing the same here?
Thanks for all the feedback guys, my video got over 1,000 views in 3 days so all this hater has done is shared my video and made me money. I still came out on top with more likes than dislikes as well thanks to you guys.

On a final note, if you guys could check out my channel and possibly subscribe that would be awesome. (Send me a message and I'll return the favour). It would be nice to have some more fans to cancel out the haters and I'm sure the same for you. <3
Trolls. Gotta love 'em. lol

I usually just ignore them. But if I'm in a funky mood, I'll reply, but not in a fight-back-negative sense. That always throws off their trojo. :D
I saw some guy do a video where he read out all his most recent hate comments and fully took the p**s out of how stupid they were, I'm liking the idea of that.
Please keep promo posts within your own promo threads. Glad to hear it turned out well.

^agreed this kind of stuff is getting out of hand. It's kind've hard not go into a thread without someone promoting themselves in the wrong section and etc.

But anyhow dealing with hate on youtube is nothing to take serious. Because honestly its the internet you can become anybody you want to behind a computer screen. Once I posted a comment on a video I found through reddit then instantly my Vlog has 3 dislikes with racist comments about what I had said. I actually thought it was pretty funny. Then there was a kid who comments just bs on my videos and dislikes them so I'll do to his and he'll get a view from me. But just remember to have fun with making videos and youtube.