I'll Review 1 Video for You

Make a nice review of my video :D

I subbed

Hi there,

First thing that I would say about this video is that for an 'under the scenes' youtuber (as you might call it) this is quite a good video. However, I do have some things that you could work on:

Lighting is something key that you should be looking at when you are creating a Music Video because it helps to bring along a mood with it. I know that "Mirrors" is quite a dark and dreary song, yet I did feel as though it could have done with more lighting in scenes and maybe even a little less in others (the bathroom scene was the key one for needing less lighting); it felt as though the camera picture was grainy when it was under or over-lighted.

Camera Angles is also something very important as it is going to help you Music Video to flow well. I can't really recommend camera angles for you to try out and practice (I just do photography - which is why I know lighting, I do not know so much on film making); however, what I can do is recommend some famous youtubers who know their way around a camera in music videos: e.g. 'Boyce Avenue' and 'TylerWardMusic'. These guys know how to produce very good camera angles for Music Videos. Something to go along with examples from these guys is to just play around with angles (until you find the right one) and just keep practicing.

However, you should really be commended for how I felt the audio quality was very good and sounded crisp; this is key for any music video as it becomes around 60 - 70% of what you want. Also, I felt that the way in which you delivered the song was very individual and you need to keep that up. It can be your USP (Unique Selling Point).

Overall though, I felt it was good, it can be worked on a bit, but through youtube experience and making many videos, I'm sure that they will improve with technology and your own developed ideas.

- And thanks for Subbing :)
Hi there,

First off I'll start with what I like about the video:
The Intro is great; perfect amount of time for it, and some catchy music to go with it, you've done really well with this. I'm sure I'll remember it. Also, I found your style of vlogging to be very user friendly, trying to interact with the audience a lot - these are the signs of a dedicated and (with time) great you tuber. Well done!

However, one key thing that I would point out is the camera angle/shot. You have taken the whole of the vlog as a medium shot (showing upper body) yet it cuts off the top of your head. You should bear in mind that all of the top youtubers who create vlogs, ensure that you can see all of their head (and more background if needed). I really recommend getting to know your camera as well as possible (know it back to front), this will help when positioning the camera (so that you know its' field of view). Also, you should try playing around with the camera angles that you use; instead of a medium shot, you might want to take a long shot or the same shot just from a different angle - the side. Most youtubers nowadays have a separate vlogging channel as well, so I recommend just to look over the content that they produce for a bit, so that you can try to replicate it into your own videos.
Moreover, I would probably say that the lighting feels a little yellow, maybe try putting something around your light source to focus the beam of light on you (almost like a spotlight); it will give it slightly more mood.
Also, unless you want to go for a clean background, try putting a creative looking wall in the background to make the video more interesting to the eye (I know vlogs are about the content that the person is talking about but I feel that people may find more interest if there are bright colours, words and shapes to look at also).

But overall, I felt that this is a nice vlog, you should keep up the interactivity with the audience and your enthusiasm to the subjects that you are talking about, it will really help you to keep motivated in the future :)

Thanks for subbing :D
Hi there,
Thanks for subbing :D

No problem :) And wow, thanks, it seems you get what I was going for. I know I seriously need to work on the video and lighting and such forth. I agree that video looks a bit yellow but I think I may have a temporary fix for that in post editing. As for the background, I think green screen looks cheesy and my places to film are limited so I guess the white wall is the best option. Thanks for watching :)
No problem :) And wow, thanks, it seems you get what I was going for. I know I seriously need to work on the video and lighting and such forth. I agree that video looks a bit yellow but I think I may have a temporary fix for that in post editing. As for the background, I think green screen looks cheesy and my places to film are limited so I guess the white wall is the best option. Thanks for watching :)
Just keep up the great work :)