If YOU ran youtube what would you change?


I'm just curious to know what some or all of you would change with youtube if you actually ran it. This can be design, programming, layout or whatever.

Oh, and be as detailed as you want.
lol to be honest anyone with the guts to run youtube has my total admiration and I just want them to get what is already installed working correctly before adding anything else.
This.... and perhaps a better way for small channels to get known, discovered, seen etc...
The idea of making a video sharing platform a self curated experience is preposterous. The ability to gain traffic from people that you don't personally know has become nearly impossible. The tools of YTToolBox should be available on YouTube, not only for PC users. Come on Mac, you're not that cool... The only reason to publish to YouTube instead of Vimeo is the dedicated traffic, but with every new corporate VeVo channel that creeps on to the YouTube top 50-- that traffic wanes to a laudable sliver. The easy solution is to get rid of the analytics driven engines and to return the main page of years past, but that's like asking Texan's to give up fried foods.
I was thinking that they could also separate youtube into categories that the content falls under but still have the overall youtube search page to find anything. That way if you are looking for music channels, you go to the music side of youtube and you aren't cross tagged into a vlog that is discussing music, as an example.
I would stop having the same people always on the front page. I would start featuring smaller channels to get the more notoriety and exposure if they have good content that is. But sadly youtube is not profitable for google yet.
This. Several users with moderate popularity got their start from being featured on youtube one day. From that, they built a small audience, who rated and shared their videos. Getting that small boost can help people build their own success; promoting the same people doesn't do nearly as much.