If You Could Be In Any Network...

The main reason i joined TGN is that they had no lock in. Its my first time in a network and i would hate myself if it turned ot to not be so great (bad support/bad CPM) i would be stuck for 3 years...
The reason BBTV put TGN on a no lock in scheme was because the network was failing.....
Yeah i would love to be with Maker on InferMator always and my dream is to be an TGS partner ,and when i will be 18 ( if i will be with youtube ) maybe the same as channelolli wants to work there :p
Possibly, but in TGN you get a no lock-in contract in return for no dashboard, no ad sales team and no promotions/sponsorships/higher CPMs program...
I realise that they will not be the best, and i dont plan to stay with them for long. But thats why i like the no lock in, i tried it, i disliked it, and i leave. Then, im gonna try another one with no lock in, or with a 1 year contract max....