If I use a Paolo Nutini song in a video, what will happen?

Hi there,

I'm planing to use a Paolo Nutini song in one of my videos as it captures the mood PERFECTLY. I want to use it so bad. If I use it, will I get in trouble if the video is monetized?

The Content ID system will probably pick up on it and you won't earn revenue on it, worst case scenario the video gets blocked.
The Content ID system will probably pick up on it and you won't earn revenue on it, worst case scenario the video gets blocked.
I'm not to bothered about making cash from this as I'm trying to grow subscriber base at the moment. So this won't affect any of my future videos?
You might get a strike but I think for songs you can just acknowledge that it's third party content and the copyright owner might monetize it themselves? At least that's what I've heard of them doing. I have a short on my channel from a film course I did with music that got claimed but I acknowledged it and now it's just chilling.
tl;dr: if you're not monetising you should be fine :)