Ideas for a short channel introduction video anyone?


Loving YTtalk
My YouTube channel is mostly about composing music using computers and composition assistant software.
As it's a very niche channel I do not have that high of an influx in subscribers and I want to convey casual viewers why they should subscribe my channel.
The best place to do this is in my opinion the channel introduction video which is automatically played back to unsubscribed viewers.
Does any fellow content creator here have good ideas on how to best bring it to the point?
When I made my channel trailer I made it so it was a combination of alot of my videos that I had on my channel. Just little short clips of them. I like that kind of trailer when I see other peoples channels, because it gives a nice clip of what kind of videos there are on it and what kind of videos to maybe expect in the future.
imagine this, you have to pay for this spot and it costs 500$ per second!
I mean 500 for editing and another 500 for broadcasing :) :p
So now you have to be specific, meaningful and precise!
So you might want to cut half the

about composing music using computers and composition assistant software

combination of alot of my videos
That's what I did now. I put up a channel trailer video from a montage of some of my raw footage in fast cut scenes.

500 for editing and another 500 for broadcasing
So that makes for $60,000 for my channel trailer video. It's exactly one minute long. One single minute!

Now what do you gals and guys think of my channel trailer video?
I want your honest opinion!
Short and sweet!, a sound effect with your name is all you need IMO. GEt right to the point to keep the attention of the ADHD mindset of everyone on youtube
a sound effect with your name is all you need IMO
Thanks for your suggestion, Nord!

I think a short clip with a flashing "HiEnergy Music" banner underpinned by a "whooooooosh.... - ... BANG!!!" is nice, but maybe not (at least in my humble opinion) really sufficient for enticing people to subscribe to my channel and/or watch more the videos I have on offer.
My current intro video is already short. Perhaps my new intro (I'll definitely remake it) will be even a bit shorter than that.
Now what do you gals and guys think of my channel trailer video?
I want your honest opinion!

I liked it! I thought it really gave viewers an answer to what your channel is really about! Besides that I do think it was a little boring/slow. Maybe instead of having text on the screen you could do a voiceover. Possibly in a cool deep narrator voice. I found the words a little difficult to follow and read but I think a voice over would be much more exciting as well as easier to follow. I loved how in your trailer you played the music you made as well as showing the technical aspects that you do to make the music.
cool deep narrator voice
Unfortunately I have a hard time getting my voice to sound cool or deep. It's rather uncool, shallow and almost squeaky as you can hear in my narrated videos, e.g. the "Synfire Feature Spotlight" ones on palettes and scaleboard.
I'm afraid a voice-over would be a 100% turn-off. Will probably buy a new microphone one fine day in the (not so distant) future.