Ideas and Suggestions

I have a series on my gaming channel called "Life of a Video Game Character" where I act like a character from a certain game and do a little skit. Lots of people have told me its pretty funny. Check it out. I would appreciate some suggestions on who to do next. Thanks
go do megaman, say your looking for a job :p
or mario, say you saved peach a couple of times... AGAIN, got stuck in a pipe and killed yoshi when you tried to reach a ledge :p.
or link... just grunt a bit :p he doest talk anyway.
or master chief, say that you have just been chillin in your cryosleep chamber thingy.
or kratos, say you have done the average killing, advenged your family, killed some gods etc.
Hey i think you have some great ideas, i am doing sub for sub at the moment and maybe shout-outs depending weather you are a good fan of my videos. I am doing let's plays of different games and i am getting people saying that they are funny as i get scared at some games :) so please check out my channel and if you su, i will sub back :D