I have 1 video that went viral way back


So my golf team and I made a video that went viral getting 120k+ views within a month or two back in 2015. And I ended up using that same youtube account to launch my own YT channel. Do you think having a video like this helps me any? Or because the video is so old and nothing was posted in between, it doesn't do anything? It used a black eyed peas song (don't ask me why) so it didn't earn any money or anything.

Kind of a weird question lol I'm assuming it doesn't really help but would be interested to know it's affects on me.
Sorry to tell you.

Probably not.

If you aren't producing the same content on a regular basis people are not going to stick around.
Gotcha. What about in terms of YT algorithm?
Maybe, the video is from 2015 so the likely hood of it being promoted again are low. That being said if it does get promoted again (which is likely to be promoted around golf recommendations) it could be a good driving force for your channel, a gateway video if you will.