I got an offer from fullscreen- i´m not sure how to do the math...


Hellou everybody
Yesterday i introduced myself to the forum and i see here are so many nice people!" I´m sure to get help here.
Here is what is up with me and my channel. I got asked to join fullscreen-and actually that was the first time i started to read about networks so i´m pretty insecure about the negotiations.
I read so many confusing things that my mind is still 50/50 about this topic.
I hope you can give me advice how i can calculate if i could benefit from joining fullscreen or not.

So here is my key data:

I´m working on my channel since September 2011
I have 11.000 subscribers more or less devoted
I have about 30 videos
It normally takes me about a week to get over the 1000 views bar
In my analytics i can see that my current playback-based CPM is 4,52

So - regarding that i probably won´t do any gorilla campaigns because i´m to shy to show my pretty face :bag2: would i make more money with fullscreen or am i doing just fine with adsense alone?

Or would you recomend to just stop making such a big fuss and showing my face and doing all gorilla?

I read that normally the split is 70/30. So, what if they offered me that- purely hypothetical...
they did not- but what if they did?

I´m always trying to learn more about all this youtube-monetarization but it is so confusing ( :spin:GOOOSH) Please help me

I already read a lot other threads about fullsceen- but most of them are started by smaller channels or gamers who aren´t partnered at all and who would profit in a lot more ways than i would.
I actually got fully youtube-partnered a while ago and for me it would be just for da money *blingbling*:cool:

anyways ... i have no *bleep* idea what to do
:help:any advice about how to calculate would be really appreciated!
Thank you so much in advance for taking the time :inlove22:
hmm ... from what i heard from our colegues here tey are pretty happy with ful screen and i dn`t really know the ration of the pay but i think once in a while you could show youre pretty face lol and btw link your channel so we can see it :)
In my analytics i can see that my current playback-based CPM is 4,52

Do you mean that you're making over $4 per 1,000 views? If so, that's actually really good. I used to be TGN where I made less than $1 CPM, and now that I'm with fullscreen I make even less. It's good if you need that spike, but honestly it sounds like you've got a pretty good thing going. I know this advice will be controversial on this forum, but in your situation I'd suggest staying where you are, at least until you get bigger and can negotiate a really good contract. Just my opinion. :P
$4.50 CPM is fantastic. With a CPM like that, you may not be earning more if you joined a Network
That is good news :) i did not know that this was fantastic. I´m glad to hear that. thanks

Do you mean that you're making over $4 per 1,000 views? If so, that's actually really good. I used to be TGN where I made less than $1 CPM, and now that I'm with fullscreen I make even less. It's good if you need that spike, but honestly it sounds like you've got a pretty good thing going. I know this advice will be controversial on this forum, but in your situation I'd suggest staying where you are, at least until you get bigger and can negotiate a really good contract. Just my opinion. :p

Thank you so much for answering- yes, i guess it means i´m getting 4$ + for 1000 views at least that is what my analytics state NOW. I guess it hasnt been like that all the time, i guess it varies alot. I did not monitor it the whole time. But good to know that this is a good thing :)
actually that confirms what i thought too. I just wasn´t sure if i had a "good thing going" or not.
I hope to hear more opinions about my "case" so i can really make a decision - thanks to everybody so far
I would recommend just staying with Adsense with a CPM like that :) Banner will be retired in the new layout as well if you're kind of interested in that jazz
I would recommend just staying with Adsense with a CPM like that :) Banner will be retired in the new layout as well if you're kind of interested in that jazz

i got partnered from youtube a while ago so i could have had a banner. but i did not find the time to design one...i guess i wanted it to be perfect and i procrastinated for so long. now i don´t need a banner anymore ...doh :facepalm2: but i´ll learn from that- now i will design a cool channellayout :)
hmm ... from what i heard from our colegues here tey are pretty happy with ful screen and i dn`t really know the ration of the pay but i think once in a while you could show youre pretty face lol and btw link your channel so we can see it :)
thanks for the hint :) i did link my channel. I realize i chose a stupid username...but whatever. Maybe i´ll sign up new after this thread with my youtube username.
Playback based CPM is very deceiving because it shows the amount advertisers paid-not what you receive, so it includes the amount adsense takes as their share. Halve your playback based CPM and that's pretty close to what you're getting.

Based on your current view count, I'm guessing they offered you 60/40, which is not a very good deal. You can get a 70/30 deal from Creator X that gives you access to all the stuff at Fullscreen but with a different support staff. Even a $2.26 CPM is pretty good for the views you're generating, so it will probably take something better than a 70/30 deal to break even on the contract. If they can't offer that to you, then don't be afraid to stay with adsense until you grow your channel enough to get a favorable deal.
Playback based CPM is very deceiving because it shows the amount advertisers paid-not what you receive, so it includes the amount adsense takes as their share. Halve your playback based CPM and that's pretty close to what you're getting.

Based on your current view count, I'm guessing they offered you 60/40, which is not a very good deal. You can get a 70/30 deal from Creator X that gives you access to all the stuff at Fullscreen but with a different support staff. Even a $2.26 CPM is pretty good for the views you're generating, so it will probably take something better than a 70/30 deal to break even on the contract. If they can't offer that to you, then don't be afraid to stay with adsense until you grow your channel enough to get a favorable deal.
I´m glad you answered- thank you, your channel is very impressive and you seem to know what you are talking about :thumbsup2:
I read here in the forum that i´m not allowed to reveal the details of my contract but just to make it clear...you would say if they´d offer me a 70/30 deal. it would not pay off? What would be a good deal then?
According to what you guys say i better stay away from fullscreen for now. Even if they seem to be the most rewarding and transparent network to me.