Hellou everybody
Yesterday i introduced myself to the forum and i see here are so many nice people!" I´m sure to get help here.
Here is what is up with me and my channel. I got asked to join fullscreen-and actually that was the first time i started to read about networks so i´m pretty insecure about the negotiations.
I read so many confusing things that my mind is still 50/50 about this topic.
I hope you can give me advice how i can calculate if i could benefit from joining fullscreen or not.
So here is my key data:
I´m working on my channel since September 2011
I have 11.000 subscribers more or less devoted
I have about 30 videos
It normally takes me about a week to get over the 1000 views bar
In my analytics i can see that my current playback-based CPM is 4,52
So - regarding that i probably won´t do any gorilla campaigns because i´m to shy to show my pretty face
would i make more money with fullscreen or am i doing just fine with adsense alone?
Or would you recomend to just stop making such a big fuss and showing my face and doing all gorilla?
I read that normally the split is 70/30. So, what if they offered me that- purely hypothetical...
they did not- but what if they did?
I´m always trying to learn more about all this youtube-monetarization but it is so confusing (
GOOOSH) Please help me
I already read a lot other threads about fullsceen- but most of them are started by smaller channels or gamers who aren´t partnered at all and who would profit in a lot more ways than i would.
I actually got fully youtube-partnered a while ago and for me it would be just for da money *blingbling*
anyways ... i have no *bleep* idea what to do
any advice about how to calculate would be really appreciated!
Thank you so much in advance for taking the time
Yesterday i introduced myself to the forum and i see here are so many nice people!" I´m sure to get help here.
Here is what is up with me and my channel. I got asked to join fullscreen-and actually that was the first time i started to read about networks so i´m pretty insecure about the negotiations.
I read so many confusing things that my mind is still 50/50 about this topic.
I hope you can give me advice how i can calculate if i could benefit from joining fullscreen or not.
So here is my key data:
I´m working on my channel since September 2011
I have 11.000 subscribers more or less devoted
I have about 30 videos
It normally takes me about a week to get over the 1000 views bar
In my analytics i can see that my current playback-based CPM is 4,52
So - regarding that i probably won´t do any gorilla campaigns because i´m to shy to show my pretty face

Or would you recomend to just stop making such a big fuss and showing my face and doing all gorilla?
I read that normally the split is 70/30. So, what if they offered me that- purely hypothetical...
they did not- but what if they did?
I´m always trying to learn more about all this youtube-monetarization but it is so confusing (

I already read a lot other threads about fullsceen- but most of them are started by smaller channels or gamers who aren´t partnered at all and who would profit in a lot more ways than i would.
I actually got fully youtube-partnered a while ago and for me it would be just for da money *blingbling*

anyways ... i have no *bleep* idea what to do

Thank you so much in advance for taking the time