I got accepted for FullScreen and got a contract. I'm just scared to sign... advice?

Oh!! 1 more question.... Being in the community, do you have to just work with youtubers within the community? As in if someone is not partnered and wants to do a collaboration with me.. Or do I need permission to work with someone who is not??
Also do they pair you with other youtubers?
No problem man, Good luck and welcome to the Fullscreen family!
Oh!! 1 more question.... Being in the community, do you have to just work with youtubers within the community? As in if someone is not partnered and wants to do a collaboration with me.. Or do I need permission to work with someone who is not??
Also do they pair you with other youtubers?
They do not do anything to you or your channel

They just give a space(their forum) for people to meet up and collab, You can collab with anyone, and create any content you desire, as long as it follows YouTube's community guidelines, and you own it 100%.
What do you mean by ownership of half your channel? Your channel is yours. The only thing they do is place ads on your videos so you can make money. If you're really concerned get a lawyer or someone with a legal background who understands contract/entertainment law to look over your contract. Don't rush into anything. Take your time to decide because it is a commitment and you need to make good on your part of the contract.

I agree good advise from this member here:)
Oh!! 1 more question.... Being in the community, do you have to just work with youtubers within the community? As in if someone is not partnered and wants to do a collaboration with me.. Or do I need permission to work with someone who is not??
Also do they pair you with other youtubers?

You can work with whoever you want. And no one actually cares what network you are with-or even if you are with a network at all if they want to collaborate with you. They don't set up collaborations for you. You have to do that on your own. They can help you make contact, but if you are using your network to make contact instead of doing it yourself, you're making a bad impression.
Ok. so I got a contract for fullscreen and I was really excited as i'm sure most of you were when you guys got accepted. I haven't signed the contract yet because i'm a little scared. I just want to make sure I'm making the right move. I don't know if this is the samething but I am already a youtube partner. My main question is what can fullscreen do for me that being a youtube partner can't besides having the banner above your channel and the gorilla thing? That's pretty much all i've been hearing all day. what scares me the most is them taking ownership of half my channel. what if I mess up? Part of me wants to sign because if I don't i feel like I will lose out on a great opportunity. and the other part is saying DON"T DO IT! because it may ruin everything I worked hard for!!!! give me some advice guys..... maybe i'm a little too worried. thanks

Welcome to fullscreen if you do decide you want to sign the contract and a tip be patient as the importing process can take a while such as your revenue earnings being ported over from adsense and all of your videos that were monetized will then go into a claim status and one good thing i like about claiming content for revenue share is that with fullscreen once you click claim my video you do not have to wait for it to be reviewed by a youtube staff member and i recommend anyone who does hard work to always try to at least get a reliable network in which you are safe with joining. Good luck!!!
thank you

Welcome to fullscreen if you do decide you want to sign the contract and a tip be patient as the importing process can take a while such as your revenue earnings being ported over from adsense and all of your videos that were monetized will then go into a claim status and one good thing i like about claiming content for revenue share is that with fullscreen once you click claim my video you do not have to wait for it to be reviewed by a youtube staff member and i recommend anyone who does hard work to always try to at least get a reliable network in which you are safe with joining. Good luck!!!
THANK YOU!!!! That's exactly what I've been looking for as far as what they can do for me! now you see that's awesome and it sounds worth it!

Welcome man, they boost your exposure by a lot if the content you produce is what people are looking for.

When I signed up I was on 700-800 subs

They are my first network I have been on but so far so good!