I've Got It
Ok. so I got a contract for fullscreen and I was really excited as i'm sure most of you were when you guys got accepted. I haven't signed the contract yet because i'm a little scared. I just want to make sure I'm making the right move. I don't know if this is the samething but I am already a youtube partner. My main question is what can fullscreen do for me that being a youtube partner can't besides having the banner above your channel and the gorilla thing? That's pretty much all i've been hearing all day. what scares me the most is them taking ownership of half my channel. what if I mess up? Part of me wants to sign because if I don't i feel like I will lose out on a great opportunity. and the other part is saying DON"T DO IT! because it may ruin everything I worked hard for!!!! give me some advice guys..... maybe i'm a little too worried. thanks