congrats!. be careful how much info you give them though as they seem pretty new and they could take over more than just your youtube account. If they ask you any fishy questions be sure to ask here first!
Then I wouldn't be worried. This is AMerica, you can always sue if they don't pay.
murica or not scam networks are harrrddd to track bud they could take a months worth of account info and youtube earnings and run. Guys could be egyptions working out of a american server.
A few days for Awesomeness TV

They would not have been authorized by YouTube to operate as a Multi-Channel Network if this was the case. They obviously have contracts with Google and would terminate the MCN if they breached their policies.

if this was true tgn would be gone for past actions. There have been some crazy scam networks out there they will fish you for info than either a) take your money b) take your account c) use your identity for fraudulent activity (identity theft sucks)
if this was true tgn would be gone for past actions. There have been some crazy scam networks out there they will fish you for info than either a) take your money b) take your account c) use your identity for fraudulent activity (identity theft sucks)
TGN is a sub-network under BBTV.

Firstly I was stating the error in your logic, you stated that it must be good because it's still around. I'm not going to go into more detail on this one as it's clearly obvious to everyone but you apparently.

I assumed since they are not even on the top 50 network list they were a no-name subnetwork, my bad? I guess?

EDIT: LOL I read through their contract, re-read the part on "sales fees"

"1. Network: Until this Agreement ends, we will use our best efforts to: "

"2. You: Until this Agreement terminates, you give us each of the following rights: "

See what they did there? You've just signed your life away and they only have to make their "best effort" clause which has no standard legal definition and has been used to "scam" people many times in the past.

I won't bother, you missed my point in my op. I never stated they were "good"
a few even went as far as to say it was a "scam".
That is what I was referring to. AwesomenessTV I would not recommend but I can guarantee that Google would shut them down if they did not pay once you get $100 threshold often (their policy) or haven't pay you for a few months after hitting $100. Again, they have relationships with Google, they wouldn't allow it.

Now that being said 90% of sub-networks are run by children these days and they disappear after a month or two because it was too much work or they didn't get partners or just gave up. Sub-networks can do whatever they want, close, ignore partners, no support, nothing. Some MCNs let that happen with their sub-networks and it's wrong.

They have 6,100 partners (because they accept anyone lol) their SB: socialblade.com/youtube/network/AwesomenessTV It's only detected 420 so we don't know actual numbers but again I would not recommend them I was just picking out the word scam and that it would never happen with most MCNs. Excluding sub-networks.
Plus I can`t believe you would go with that network... Have you seen the 2 threads on that network, on this forum....

One was started by him.. LOL

TGN is a sub-network under BBTV.....

GKart I just quoted their contract, I put "scam" in quotes because i'd never sign that loaded contract in a million years.. It's in my honest opinion that careful and deliberate wording such as I pointed out before constitutes a "scam". Clearly your logic on the Google relationship is unfounded, as they are partnering accounts that obviously bot their views and subscribers and channels that upload copyrighted content.

You seem fairly stuck in your ways, I could care less what mistakes you make but i'm here to prevent similar people from making the same fatal error you have.