Vlog Huge Collab to induce Happiness!

Mae B

Posting Mad!
The concept:
Happiness! Optimism! Positivity! Resilience! Confidence! etc.!

The task:
-send me 1-3 clips of you expanding on any of these ideas, as it relates to happiness, etc.:
  • -a quote you loved,
  • -a fortune from a fortune cookie that you loved,
  • -lyrics or poetry that you love,
  • -a drawing,
  • -the best compliment you ever received,
  • -the best advice you were ever given,
  • -a shoutout to someone who has really helped you or means a lot to you,
  • -something you're really proud of yourself for
  • -something you're really excited for
  • -your favorite joke(s)
  • -a URL to your favorite YT video, gif, etc.
  • -something you're grateful for
  • -your favorite quality about yourself
  • -your favorite memory
  • -the highlight of your day/week/month/year
  • -things that make you happy
  • -what happiness means to the individual
  • -a relatable sad memory that has a good ending
The rules:
-each clip should be a maximum of 45 seconds - 15-25 seconds is ideal for short statements
-by participating, you give me the right to edit or omit your video
-must be at least 720p
-must not have background music

The benefits:
-exposure to ~810 subs
-your name and URL in the description, also with a time jumplink to your clip
-usually, a longtime supportive friendly relationship with me on YouTube!

How to submit:
-must submit by or before: Aug. 9, 2015. That's a month!
-email maebeerman@comcast.net with "Happy Collab" in the subject, and your name (as you'd like in the description) and channel URL. I will respond with a link to access a Dropbox folder where you can upload the file(s).
-Please include your name in the filename(s) for your video(s). This is in your best interest, so I don't get confused about who you are and if I've added you in!
I'm in, :) how do you want it submitted?
Amazing!! :)

Here's how:

How to submit:
-must submit by or before: Aug. 9, 2015. That's a month!
-email maebeerman@comcast.net with "Happy Collab" in the subject, and your name (as you'd like in the description) and channel URL. I will respond with a link to access a Dropbox folder where you can upload the file(s).
-Please include your name in the filename(s) for your video(s). This is in your best interest, so I don't get confused about who you are and if I've added you in!
I can think of a really great quote that always inspires me, so expect an email from me!
gotta love a good quote! can't wait![DOUBLEPOST=1438043118][/DOUBLEPOST]@slayerkm @LyfeWithDragons @Vicboss @Riddikore @Ashley Jaycock @mercmonster

Sorry if i already tagged you guys! just wanted to keep you in the loop about a prettttty cool collab :p