How valuable are Google+ Communities?

Probably as valuable as MySpace aka irrelevant haha. I feel that reddit is the most valuable as it got GradeAUnderA really big. Facebook is okay too.
I've moved your thread to the strategy forum.

Not very valuable at all IMHO but then again, I kind of boycotted G+ when YouTube forced people to sign up with them. I've heard of people having success with hangouts. I think Twitter is much more effective.
G+ is useless. Traffic is zero. You can try dumping links into a bunch of communities see if you get any clicks, but not really worth the 10 minutes. Rather take a nap.
i personally believe all the social media outlets are valuable, however some more than others, for example facebook gets moer traffic than google + however even if you get a ratio of 10:1 between facebook and google + that 1 view like or subscription from google plus is as valuable as facebook, twitter reddit .... etc.
i personally believe all the social media outlets are valuable, however some more than others, for example facebook gets moer traffic than google + however even if you get a ratio of 10:1 between facebook and google + that 1 view like or subscription from google plus is as valuable as facebook, twitter reddit .... etc.

Yes, but at the end of the day, most social media is just a waste of time.

Take a look at the stats for one of the top videos from RTR in the last year (watch?v=Tldlt2RhrDw) - this is one of the highest viewed kids channel/toys videos:

It's got 7,921 FB interactions out of 454,000,000 YT views, that's 0.0017%. Even if you assume there were 10 FB views for every 1 FB interaction, giving about 80,000 FB views, that's still 0.017%. FB is a waste of time. It drove a completely insignificant amount of traffic.

G+ has 18,500 interactions, so that's about 0.0041%. Also a waste of time.

I won't even mention reddit, my calculator doesn't have enough negative spaces to count that one.

This is the most popular video from any kids channel. It should have dominated FB, reddit, G+, Twittter. But it made no external impact. This reinforces the point that the most critical social network for growing a YT channel is YT.

My concern is when a newbie asks how to grow a channel, and everyone says "do social media". I would like to see the proof that social media drives significant traffic to the point that it makes a difference to channel growth.

RTR social.jpg
I try to share in the google communities a lot. it only brings in a few views. I don't really find social media helpful in getting views if you are unpopular. unless your video is celeb gossip then people will definitely click. This forum is a lot more valuable than all the social media combined for me.
You will get an occasional plus one which is nice. And you will reach people you could not otherwise. But many communities are just dumping grounds

Pretty much this. I have my settings so they automatically share new uploads to my Google+ page, but it has been a while since I've actively used it! Still, this has been a pretty solid reminder, so I'm gonna go do the thing now!