How To Use Reddit To Gain Exposure: What You Need To Know

Great pointers thank you:up2:
REDDIT is by far the best way to promote Youtube videos IMO. Every time I use it I seem to get new subscribers so that´s cool.. Again I got to say (and yes I have said it many times) you got to be in for some s****y comments every once in a while but that is the way REDDIT works for some people I guess:)
I have mixed results on Reddit. Had some videos receiving ton of dislikes, and other a lot of likes and a few subs. Same kind of videos and topics. The thing is, I think Reddit is a pretty unstable environment. There are a lot of trolls, but also lot of people there for good reasons.
I think that being more active is the way to go.
Thanks for the advice~

Reddit is fickle indeed, one mistake can cause you to get banned from certain subreddits /:
Use them in a non combat and recon situations - be careful of them in winter though. I never found them much use in ambush situations - usually got destroyed and I think Mosby you dont want to waste that way?