How to show a webpage in the video?


New Member
Hi there. Its my first post here on this forum. So, how can i show a webpage inside a video? To explain by an example, look at this video: So i was trying to post a youtube video link here but it is not allowing; it gives an error and asks to remove the link. So, if you can search YTube for "The Making of Norman Finkelstein-Reality Asserts Itself (5/8)" and go to the 01:44 mark you will see what i am talking about.

The way the webpages zoom in... I am talking about that. How can that be added in a video?

Thank you very much.
Oh. Ok. Thanx! I will give it a try.[DOUBLEPOST=1424113794,1424102047][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, if you could check one more video out: "The Islamic State and Hezbollah Fight For Lebanon" around 02:17 mark. How can one make a simple animation like that of the map?
Thank you very much!