How to partner a second channel.

Yeah, being full partner is better. I wouldn't know which network would be the best... you could always Google it... like "which is the best YouTube Network?" or something like that. Maybe there is a comparison site on networks. ^,^

I did a YouTube video about YouTube networks after researching, I really think FullScreen is the best network for me out there. With Tiny Galaxy, there Technology Hub, I can actually have people who are interested in my channel topic watching my videos. I still wish I had full YouTube partnership but oh well.
It's possible, you have to contact your partner manager and apply again with the 2nd account (has to meet requirements ) and you get another contract but your partner manager helps link your accounts (I think).
phoenixblue what this user said so you will have to contact your partner manager for more information about this and make sure you meet the requirements:)