How to improve ranking on new video release?

great idea :up2: but if you are just starting than this may introduce unnecessary pressure, I release videos whenever they get done, so if it's a one month break then that's what it is

Posting on a schedule is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your channel, even if it is just once a month. Just choose a day and an hour to release your video. When you finish your video, used the scheduler to schedule it for that day and time in the future. This actually takes the pressure off of you, because of these reasons. Let's say you release a video once a month on the second Wednesday of the months at 6:00 pm. You finished a video on the third week of the month and schedule it to be released on schedule in three weeks. Now you have a full month and three weeks to get your next video ready. Say you get three videos done in one month and schedule them all to be released one month apart. Now you have four months to make more videos with no pressure. So you see, scheduling your videos takes enormous pressure. If you miss a release date, no big deal, just schedule is for the next month. No one is going to arrest you if you miss a release date every now and then. YouTube looks at channels that release on a schedule very favorably over channels that just release randomly.
I got to be one of those 20 ppl several times, it was extremely irritating to put your life on hold in order to watch someones premier

hmm maybe. but my friends get pretty mad that I don't tell them about my new videos. many of my friends and classmates use to tell me to make more videos all the time. (this is back in 2013-2016 mind you, before premiering existed. also before most of my friends even really watch youtube.)

Plus we tune into each other live podcast, and twitch streams, and in real-life performances. lol 5min video is barely putting life on hold. (to me at least)

But do you work in film/video? you might have more people asking for that favor than people in my circle where basically only I make videos.

great idea :up2: but if you are just starting than this may introduce unnecessary pressure, I release videos whenever they get done, so if it's a one month break then that's what it is
It depends on your goals. If your goals are to have fun on the platform than your right. but if your goal is to build a company or help sell a product, or help you land a job than maybe the pressure is a good thing. everyone's goals are different.

I studied design and we often say "design is never done" which is why deadlines can be a good thing.
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