How to grow with Google plus

Personally I think Google+ Communities are useless in terms of promoting your content compared to Reddit.

Conquer all fronts I say.

Reddit's definitely a monster though. If anyone only has time to promote on one or the other, Reddit is definitely the way to go. Engagement is stupid high sometimes.
Conquer all fronts I say.

Reddit's definitely a monster though. If anyone only has time to promote on one or the other, Reddit is definitely the way to go. Engagement is stupid high sometimes.
No. Using Google+ Communities are generally about as useful as spam posting your stuff in Facebook groups and sub-reddits. Even in forums that allow you to promote your content is generally less effective than other methods, such as engaging with potential viewers in the forums of whatever content vertical your channel is about, engaging in the sub reddit about your content vertical, etc.

There's a lot of these locations on the internet that people just dump content onto and hope to gain views. In all honesty, it doesn't work that effectively since there are zero short cuts to marketing, promoting, and advertising your channel's content. Engaging with potential viewers who aren't subscribed to you and where they go is a lot better than watching your post in a G+ community, Facebook group, or sub reddit get dropped down the page in the first hour since several dozen other people are doing that.

This is why I said Google+ Circles are a superior option to posting in active Google+ Communities. Now it would be different if these Google+ Communities actually forced people to engage with one another about certain topics and weren't 100% about self promotion. Cause that's what has killed all these Facebook groups, sub reddits, and Google+ Communities to really allow people to benefit from the act of self promotion. And all those places you can freely dump your content and self promote are completely worthless.