How to get: Views & Subs *EASILY EXPLAINED*

Thanks for the guide! I will download the heartbeat app, because I tend to struggle with tagging my videos. I might do the call to action in the beginning after my intro. I don't want to risk people clicking off my video though.

It's nice to meet another wrestling fan!

I agree. I never thought to do my call to action at the beginning of my videos but I'm going to try to do that from now on (if I remember lol). I think it will help because people may get close to the end of the video and move on before you can ask them to subscribe. So doing it at the beginning ensures you ask while you still have their attention.
Collaborations - If you have a friend, or someone whom is relevant channel to what you do, why not ask them to host a video games series together? You will both be sharing your subscribers, views which all helps in the end.

And that my friends is what really has helped me gain my first 500 subscribers! I collaborated with my first major hip hop / rap artist Koopsta Knicca [RIP] of Three 6 Mafia (Academy Award Winners) and
Ive done little to no promo on the video with him! Already have 5k+ views on it and hit 500 subs! SO ANYONE out there trying to collaborate as musicians, vloggers etc hit me up!
Thanks so much for this ! I need to start remembering to introduce who I am at the start of vids this post has made me excited to film tomorrow and try and improve
Great Post! There are some great points, and have already made some changes to my videos and how they are labeled as a result. Thanks again, looking forward to the journey.