How to get: Views & Subs *EASILY EXPLAINED*

Well I jumped on a trending topic for my latest, as you can see in my signature, obviously I am shameless, bahaha... and I optimized the tags and title and thumbnail and the video is doing well I suppose...
I guess I always expect more... Just uploaded this morning though so I guess we'll see where it goes, hahaha
Good stuff man.. thanks for the tip. I'll be sure to use this info to help.. I'm so close to 100 I can taste it.. your post may have just helped me go over the top!
The crazy thing,mis in my videos I never once said, welcome to my channel "name of channel", I'm "Barbie Pena" not once. I'm going to start doing that in next week's video. How the heck did I miss that!? And of course I'm trying to get to 100 yt cash so I can promote my channel and have my signature button work because right now when you go to that it won't take you to my channel. Argh.
That is great information and so helpful, I do some of these. I've only got three videos at the moment as I'm pretty new to making a channel. However they have been quite successful for a new channel so far I think. I will be looking to add this advice into my videos and channel to perhaps get some good outcomes from it.

Thank you
That is great information and so helpful, I do some of these. I've only got three videos at the moment as I'm pretty new to making a channel. However they have been quite successful for a new channel so far I think. I will be looking to add this advice into my videos and channel to perhaps get some good outcomes from it.

Thank you
I definitely learned form this as well. I re-did my intro to be 3 seconds shorter, and will also start promoting myself within my videos by adding text that says how to reach me on social media. I will also begin introducing myself in the beginning of my video by saying my name and my channel's names. I might even try to add some kind of link to my other videos that relate to whatever video I currently made. U know like within the video... they are all good ideas. Just have to remember not to go too crazy with them haha.
Glad this is helping everyone, thanks for replying, if anyone needs any help at all, let me know by tagging me or leaving a comment on my profile, I'm more than happy to help! :D