How to get: Views & Subs *EASILY EXPLAINED*

I appreciate the info Edge. Thank you. :)

I also believe it's wise, as a new YouTuber, not to monetize your videos too early. Throughout the years of watching YT videos, I can't tell you how many times I've clicked away from a video because I'm unwilling to wait through the ad. Grow a following first, get your view count up, and then start monetizing. Until you're gaining so many views per month, it's really not worth it anyways. :)
Thank you so much for this guide. Been wondering what to tag your videos with.
This with the other sticky threads will help me out a lot!
I appreciate the info Edge. Thank you. :)

I also believe it's wise, as a new YouTuber, not to monetize your videos too early. Throughout the years of watching YT videos, I can't tell you how many times I've clicked away from a video because I'm unwilling to wait through the ad. Grow a following first, get your view count up, and then start monetizing. Until you're gaining so many views per month, it's really not worth it anyways. :)

This is a good piece of advice and something I've read quite a few times.
But when you say "Grow a following first, get your view count up, and then start monetizing...", what does that mean exactly?
What is a reasonable following size? and what is a reasonable view count?

Thank you in advance for your time :)
Thank you for the post, really helped out! I'll have to use some of these. And i liked the Heartbeat thing, I'm going to use it!