How to get more views? :/

Just keep making videos... You have to promote yourself via Youtube, Facebook, Twitter,Tumblr, Instagram, ect.... Interact with people and make them want to watch your videos!! You can also use adwords to gain attention but thats if you have the $ to do so
It happens.. keep making them and new people will come and old people will return. It is a never ending cycle.
the best way is indeed to just make more videos but try and keep it all at a high quality, this way, you have a bigger portfolio of sorts and something for them to re watch, the more videos you have is indeed the more views you will get.
You got 27 views on that video 19 hours ago, I only get that in 2 days with 140 more subs :p . I think your doing fine for views at the minute, keep making videos and they will increase :)
You're going to need 2 kg of salt, 5 g of hair and a sacrifice for the god of youtube.
If there was a special way to get views, everybody would do it. As everyone else said, continue making high quality unique content and as time passes, more people will come. Or in other words, "If you build it, they will come". Good luck :)
Sharing the video with friends and family and they will ultimately share with their friends and family.

The sharing paradox continues...
Your channel has 1000 subscribers and Joe Schmoes channel has 1000 subscribers. Chances are you both don’t have the same subscribers. Collaborate and you will have the opportunity to trade subscribers and promote one another.

Collaboration is a great way of growing your channel and learning from others. I highly encourage anyone who is interested in becoming a successful YouTuber to collaborate and network with as many people as possible. If you are good at graphics offer your help to someone else, if you’re good with music offer that. Take your talent and use that to your advantage to collaborate with as many people as possible.