How to get likes and comments?


Well-Known Member
I've seen a few videos that have 150+ views and get 30 likes, and 12 comments, and personally I don't think the videos were very funny or had good production to them (That's just my personal opinion). Then some of my videos (not many of them =,( ) they only get 3 likes and 1 or 2 comments and one of them is always my brother. How do you get somebody so inclined when watching your videos to hit the like button and leave a comment?

Note. I don't want to cheat the system I want to earn every like, comment, and subscriber not buy any.

I've seen a few videos that have 150+ views and get 30 likes, and 12 comments, and personally I don't think the videos were very funny or had good production to them (That's just my personal opinion). Then some of my videos (not many of them =,( ) they only get 3 likes and 1 or 2 comments and one of them is always my brother. How do you get somebody so inclined when watching your videos to hit the like button and leave a comment?

Note. I don't want to cheat the system I want to earn every like, comment, and subscriber not buy any.

There is no way I can say will get you comments unless you ask someone to comment, and even then they might not.. same with likes i s'pose, they aren't as easy to get as you think, eg I average around 1,000 views a video and get about 10 comments max, don't worry about them, just keep making good content and people will say somethin :D good luck
easiest way is to ask for it, but be careful about the way you ask fi you do because some people will do the opposite if they think you are being cheeky for asking, kinda slip in in there like a suggestion rather than a demand

as for comments, ask a question, ask for opinions on something etc actively include your audience like you know them personally
first you have to have some kind of conversation or toppic in your video. for example in some of my videos i show my level artwork and talk about it and then ask people if they have any questions and this can make a conversation because people around the world are asking about the toppic.
i see many news videos or fact videos get comments because it moves people's emotions with the trageties and stuff happening in the world.

as for likes if your video is very helpful where it touches people in a way such lets say there was something hillarious in the video, so if you were ranting at something and the person agreed with you or maybe something that inspires the viewer, they will like it.
The easiest way would probably be to do a Q & A type of thing in your video. Ask the question of the day, and have people answer it in the comments. It's also a very fun shtick. I've taken part in them before.

Or you could threaten people. That always works.
I ask for feedback often but never really get comments because of the fact people don't really comment on videos (when you think about how many people are watching the video)

Pewdiepie: Video gets 1 million views, 20,00-30,000 comments.
A lot of YouTubers engage their viewers by asking a specific question and I think that's great as long as the request sounds sincere. So often I wonder whether they're even interested in what their viewers have to say or if they just want to increase the comment count. (Especially with big YouTubers because there's no way they can actually read the comments.)
You need a call to action. Ask your viewers a question or tell them if they liked the video to give it a thumbs up. You can also use annotations.
Ask them questions, what would you like to see next, and try to do a small giveaway such as a 10 $ itunes giftcard, people will comment, raise your vid, aware other people of your channel, and subscribe, kind of like buying subs, but you reward them with great content, and these are REAL people.