How to fix the twitter icon in the featured links?

This is interesting... This morning I noticed the Twitter Icon in my YouTube Banner had reverted BACK to a globe. All on it's own. Changed from HTTP to HTTPS and back a couple times to see if it would reload the icon properly, but that had no effect. Patreon, Tumblr, Facebook and all show up fine... Then logged on tonight and the icon switched from the globe BACK to the birdie icon... again, all on it's own.

....odd little programming bug.
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I'VE HAD THIS ISSUE FOR SO LONG, but I have fixed it!

If you notice, in your link, it should say:

https :// / <yourhandle>

Change it to

http :// / <yourhandle>. It will fix!

Just remove the 'S' from 'HTTP' and you'll be grand!

This worked for me. Not that it matters really but my OCD wouldn't let me leave it alone until I'd sorted it out.
It's the little things that make life pleasurable. Thanks a million, lol. One wouldn't normally consider it to be a big deal that the little globe icon stood in place of the twitter icon. However, visual cues are so important, and if Twitter is something you use to communicate with your audience, having a clear twitter link is kinda important :D