Last week i made a video about penguins falling over - it got claim on it because of the footage but i don't care.
1:10 min long video took me about 3-4h to add the text and sound effects that i've used.

But in general i think it depends on a type of video you make. My average time is about 1h i think, unless it's a very long let's play than it's about 1 - 2h ( rendering and compressing not included )
I edit one video for about 30 minutes up to an hour. It depends on how long the gameplay video is, in my case
Hmm, I suppose it depends on the project.
From Gameplay video to movie reviews it takes me about 1 to 3 hours at most depending on how technical the project is.
Where as short films my fastest time to edit one of those took me about 5 hours. And for giant projects I don't even log my time cause it would be insane. :O!
We spend absolutely hours editing ours! We add quite a lot of effects, cuts and music in our video which is why it takes so long! We're new to YouTube so maybe as time goes by we will get quicker!
Depends on the video. If I just render it out to make the file smaller, then no time at all. But if I want to make edits where I wanna put in effort and try to make it pleasing to the viewer, then time changes. My most recent two minute Titanfall 2 video was two minutes, but took a few hours to edit, because I wanted to put effort into it, and want to for the rest of my videos. Bro trust me, spend the time, and make vids that will keep people coming back instead of just pushing out vids everyday. It'll be worth it in the long run :)
Just depends I think! For us, if we do a skit, it can take an hour or so to add music effects and such, if we do a simple review its easier! Plus most of my videos are under 5 mins, so that cuts time in half already.

Our vlog is super simple, our super hero videos take a long while.. like I said I guess it just depends on what your channel is about..?