How much is YouTube paying me?

How do you know how high our CPM is? On average our partners earn higher than a $2 CPM and a lot are based in countries where CPMs are typically lower, such as Spain.
We always have, do, and always will provide monthly earning reports. These include the total views, monetized views, CPM and revenue paid. They are sent at the end of every month.
We are actually building a dashboard and at this time it is very close to launch, a beta version is currently being tested by selected partners.
Plus you`re not allowed advertise a network including with usernames :p :p :p :p
1) wow $2...
2) people like to check their earnings more than monthly
3) You`ve been saying that for months at this stage...
On average, higher than $2. English channels earn considerably more, most in the $4+ range.
Unfortunately there's not much can be done about that. Fullscreen's dashboard confirms the revenue at the end of the month, (the same time our reports go out) and until we have a dashboard, that's how it is. Not many networks actually have their own dashboard but when we're happy with ours we'll unleash it to all of our partners.