His answer is the best one out there. I didn't see it as an insult towards anyone with less subscribers. And I totally agree. No amount will ever be enough. If what I have now is "enough", I might as well quit youtube and shut down my channel. Hopefully everyone on this forum wants to grow their channel and seeks more subscribers and views no matter what level they're at. Ambition is a good thing.

Not really since the question was how many subs do you have. Not about how many is enough, or not enough. Although I didn't think he meant to diss anyone, or tried to insult anyone. But I don't think it was the best answer out there. So I have to disagree with you on this one. :)
126! I hope to grow faster in the future, though! :)
No worries, Pearl. You're growing. A big YouTuber told me once that "we really started to grow fast once we hit a 1000 subs, you're almost there." I was like at 800 something at the time. I'm telling you it's true. Once I hit 1000 the road to almost 1500 has been much easier. I think people perceive 1000 as legit or something. Of course this is total speculation as to why. :)