I currently have 42 subscribers but im fairley new and ovethe weekend i gained about 7 which is super awsome. every subscriber means the world to me.
I currently have 42 subscribers but im fairley new and ovethe weekend i gained about 7 which is super awsome. every subscriber means the world to me.
Believe me, I know... I think of my subscribers and get all giddy inside, and when I see them in the comments I'm all...

That was my first ever attempt at doing the GIF thing... you guys are really rubbing off on me hahaha
Heyyyy...I just looked and I'm on 30! I think all my life's goals have been accomplished now...

Anyways I reached 30 thanks to the fearless, the beautiful, the dreaded, and Full HD vlogger: Dee !!!!!
(actually a good amount of those 30 are from this forum, hehehe)
Heyyyy...I just looked and I'm on 30! I think all my life's goals have been accomplished now...

Anyways I reached 30 thanks to the fearless, the beautiful, the dreaded, and Full HD vlogger: Dee !!!!!
(actually a good amount of those 30 are from this forum, hehehe)
Go Dee! And we!