How many subs do you get a month?


I Love YTtalk
It would be good to see what others get in comparison to their sub count. I have nearly 1200 subs and get about 50 subs a month which I feel is kind of low. In my last 30 days I have got 76 subs thou which is bit more like it. What about you guys?
Right now I'm hitting around 750 subscribers per month. I currently have 1850 subscribers (things ramped up significantly at the end of November 2016)
Your channel seems to be blowing up then, congrats mate :D[DOUBLEPOST=1483746613,1483746592][/DOUBLEPOST]
Last month I got about 4000, but assuming I don't promote my videos, I would get at least 2000
Not bad at all[DOUBLEPOST=1483747239][/DOUBLEPOST]
I haven't been doing this long but I gained 1484 in the past 28 days.
That's great! Your channel has just earned a new sub too
I'm struggling at the moment I've been away from YouTube for awhile and have just made a comeback, last month I gained 3 subscribers. At my high point I was gaining around 30pm.