How is this #1 on trending if....?


Active Member
How is this #1 on trending when:
-Videos that have been uploaded more recently have more views is less time.
-More likes in less time.
-Better like to dislike ratio and more comments in less time.

How is this video beating other videos?

Is it really all about who you know and how much your spending through YouTube ads or something?
I literally have never heard of this person. They haven't been active for 8 months. I don't get it.

I don't follow/watch almost anything on the trending page. It seems way too rigged. Most people on there are apart of a large corporation would could either pay or bully their way to the top. Examples being late night shows or the big music corps. Every once in a while you'll find a small channel that seemed to actually earn their spot or big youtubers who have enough of a following to get there alone but to me it's mostly big companies.
Well looking at it right now I dont see many talk show hosts so who knows maybe im wrong haha but I still don't care for the trending page either way. :p
It's just not right. They pick and choose what they want to trend, not really what's trending. They have influence on so many minds. It's not ethical to those who really deserve the #1 spot.
She's Lauri Loughlin's daughter. She posed on a rowing machine for her slimy mom and dad to get her a fake pass into college. How do you think she got on trending :) :-D She'll probably marry Logan Paul someday. YouTube is making me sick lately.
just like television, the media and whoever's in charge control for the most part what they want to put in your face and that includes Youtube. it's no different than ESPN shoving down the Yankees/Redrox rivalry down your throat in years past.
Literally no one has cared... but super trendy. Figure there would be a spike for people wondering who she is.

RIght or wrong it is technically their site so they can do whatever they want. Like I said I just avoid trending 99% of the time and just watch people I sub to or things I actually care to watch personally. Youtube is either a great place or a crappy one just depends on how you choose to look at it. Overall I still like it even with all the stuff going on because it still holds very informative videos on it.