How honest are you?

Great Topic! :up:
I'm honest all the time since I remember myself (not only related to YouTube)
I guess it's a part of who we are.
Some people don't like me being so honest because they disagree, But I don't really care what others want me to think or say... I'm just saying what I think, these are MY opinions... not because it's not sound good sometimes.

Also, there is always a positive thing not only negative, I'm trying to be positive as much as I can, again... it's not so easy but that's the way of my life.

Just be yourself :)

* Sorry about my bad English.
I haven't criticed allot of channels, trailers or banners yet but i'm always honest when it comes to what i like and what not. I won't say it in a cruel way though, but i will say what could be better