How fast do you upload?

Aaron Stewart

Well-Known Member
Hey peoples of the web I'm taking a survey just for personal reference. So I'm asking how fast do your videos upload and how long are said videos. For example I upload 15 minute videos and it takes about 10 to 15 minutes.
Dayum I guess I have slower internet. For me it depends on the quality of the vid, so like an HD 15 min. vid will take around 30 mins, but an SD one takes I guess 15-20.
My videos are typically between 5 and 10 minutes, 20 minutes for my movie commenties and it always takes hours.
I upload a variety of times, the longest being 4 minutes maybe, only because I don't have enough content for above that time.

My average is about 2:30 and that takes maybe 7 minutes to upload depending on my internet